Dedicated Specialists for Personal Injury
SimonMed Personal Injury Now (SPIN)
SPIN has trauma trained specialists who provide high-quality radiology support for trauma-related cases. With access to SPIN, you’ll be connected to an experienced group of professionals ready to deliver personalized care to your clients. Our advanced technology combined with clinical experience and Trauma Trained Radiologists provide the most accurate diagnosis and reporting. With SPIN, you’ll have immediate access to all of your trauma imaging needs.
What We Offer
Personalized Service with Dedicated Team
3T, High-Field, Open and Stand-Up MRI
Expert Stat Reporting
Specialty Reporting
Seasoned Courtroom Witnesses
Hold Liens/LOPs
Exams Offered
MRA, MRI, CT, TBI, Ultrasound and X-ray
Sign up for SPIN to receive information about our upcoming events and news
Trauma Specialist Regional Contacts
Select your region for SPIN representative contacts and scheduling information.
PI Scheduling Contacts:
*Note, the email address is:
PI underscore [email protected]
Phone: 602-513-8784
Fax: 602-302-5999
Denise Rasmussen
National Personal Injury Account Director
Cell: (480) 341-0430
Contact Information
[email protected]
Delmir Penunuri
[email protected]
Cell: (623) 688-9017
Erica Brumett
[email protected]
Cell: (480) 476-5188
Southern California
Contact Information
Cell: (310) 357-3035
Michael Grissom
Beverly Hills
Cell: (424) 335-5457
Margarita Quinones
Cell: (909) 648-7465
Jon Elliott
Laguna Hills
Cell: (949) 566-1990
Jeffrey Burns
Orange County
Cell: (949) 396-8143
Ryan Groeneweg
San Diego County
Cell: (760) 338-1035
Northern California
Contact Information
Samuel Torres
Cell: (415) 243-6590
Casey Arias
Cell: (909) 693-9455
Brooke Smith
Cell: (760) 382-1541
Erika Pehargou
Contact Information
Edward Bussey
Cell: (407) 839-9206
Omar Velez
Cell: (407) 759-2649
Cindi Simmons
Cell: (407) 516-9600
Abby Alvarez
Cell: (312) 314-7730
Donald Leblanc
FL Personal Injury Director
Cell: (813) 753-8140
Contact Information
Kim Powanda
Cell: (720) 392-7803
Chase Cooper
Cell: (720) 284-1745
Jessica Herrera
Cell: (720) 926-8419
Contact Information
Julie Krysuik
Cell: (832) 370-1228
Kitzel Alvarez
Cell: (346) 581-6589
Dimple Malken
Cell: (713) 201-4958
Brandi Taff
Cell: (832) 389-6214
Phi Pham
Cell: (832) 592-0213
Cameron Davis
Cell: (281) 639-1236
Contact Information
Our Radiologists
Each sub-specialized physician averages over 20 years of experience in personal injury radiology.
SimonMed has moved to Clearpath for Billing, Records and Reductions requests for your convenience.